has been sold to Tournament kings

Host Tournaments
Start hosting your very own tournaments straight
from your Discord server today!

Powerful 24/7 Discord Bot
Downtime? We don't even know what that is!
Never worry about Toorney being offline

Tournament Information
View in-depth tournament information on Toorney such as
all current tournaments, players participating and brackets

Tournament Dashboard
Our user-friendly dashboard allows you to
manage your tournaments with a click of a button!

Discord Server
Join our Discord Support Server for help,
updates, bug reports and suggestions!

Why Use Toorney?

Toorney is the most powerful Challonge Discord bot that allows every part of the tournament to happen inside your Discord server. Eliminate the manual work of typing names into websites, generating brackets and manually submitting scores for your participants Your participants don't have to worry about not understanding some random 3rd-party tournament hoster. Participants never have to use more than just a couple of quick and simple commands. Sit back and enjoy your hosted tournaments being run automatically instead of working tirelessly to have them run to completion.

Let Toorney do the work for you!

Join our Discord Support Server to see why Toorney is perfect for you!

A Sneak Peek At Our Awesome Features:

Joining tournaments using a command or reaction message
Using your own Challonge account to host tournaments
Automatic role assignment when joining tournaments
Players can post their own results
Dedicated channel where all results to be posted in
Automatic coinflip after round time limit reached
Daily reminders for players of upcoming matches
Add custom Toorney admins
Team creation and tournaments

The full list of commands can be found here

Servers Currently Using Toorney


Total Matches Played:
Servers Using Toorney: