Command | Description | Usage |
=create [tournamentName] | Create a tournament | =create exampleTourney |
=join [tournamentName] | Join a tournament | =join exampleTourney |
=leave [tournamentName] | Leave a tournament | =leave exampleTourney |
=brackets [tournamentName] | Provides a link to the brackets of the tournament | =brackets exampleTourney |
=results [tournamentName] [your score] [opponent score] | Post the results of your match. Both contesters must confirm the results by the reaction checkmark | =results exampleTourney 2 1 |
=findopponent [tournamentName] [user] | Find the opponent of yourself or another player in the tournament |
=findopponent ToorneyTesting2 @Marto_0#1978 =findopponent ToorneyTesting2 |
=createteam [name] | Create a team to enter tournaments | =createteam exampleTeam124 |
=teaminvite [name] [user] | Invite someone to your team | =teaminvite exampleTeam124 @Marto_0#1978 |
=team [name] | Provides information about a specific team | =team exampleTeam124 |
=teams | Displays all the teams you're currently in | =teams |
=leaveteam [name] | Leaves a team | =leaveteam exampleTeam124 |
=deleteteam [name] | Deletes a team | =deleteteam exampleTeam124 |
=setprefix [prefix] | Sets the global prefix of the server |
=setprefix ! =setprefix * |
=setresultschannel [channelID] | Sets the channel where results of tournaments and coinflips will be posted | =setresultschannel 583241872038690818 |
=results [tournamentName] [your score] [opponent score] | Posts the score of your match. Both players must confirm the results with a checkmark reaction. | =results exampleTourney 2 1 |
=forceresults [tournament] [user1] [user2] [user1score] [user2score] | Will forcefully set the results of a match | =forceresults ToorneyTesting2 @testAlt#7592 @Marto_0#1978 2 0 |
=kick [user] | Kicks a player from the tournament | =kick @Marto_0#1978 |
=forcejoin [tournamentName] [user] | Forcefully add a player to the tournament | =forcejoin ToorneyTesting2 @Marto_0#1978 |
=giveadmin [user] | Gives someone admin permissions to use Toorney | =giveadmin @Marto_0#1978 |
=removeadmin [user] | Removes admin permissions from someone who currently has them | =removeadmin @Marto_0#1978 |
=adminlist | Retrives the list of everyone who has been given admin permissions | =adminlist |
=adminrole [role] | Sets the admin role. Users who have this role in the Discord server will have admin permissions for Toorney |
=adminrole @Moderator =adminrole 583241872034496534 |
=start [tournamentName] | Starts the tournament Players will no longer be able to join and matches will start |
=start exampleTourney |
=shuffle [tournamentName] | Shuffles all players in the tournament into randomized seeds This is recommended before starting a tournament |
=shuffle exampleTourney |
=delete [tournamentName] | Deletes a tournament. WARNING: This also deletes the whole match history from Challonge! | =delete exampleTourney |
=tournament [tournamentName] extendlimit [user | all] [days] | Extends the limit of when a player(s) has to finish their match |
=tournament exampleTourney extendlimit @Marto_0#1978 5 =tournament exampleTourney extendlimit all 3 |
=tournament [tournamentName] reactmessage [messageID] | Bind a reaction to a message which will allow users to join when clicked | =tournament exampleTourney reactmessage 235452157166485505 |
=tournament [tournamentName] description [description] | Sets the description for the tournament. This is also displayed on your personal tournament page on the Toorney website | =tournament exampleTourney description Season 5 of Toorney tournaments. Region is EU. Have fun! |
=tournament [tournamentName] forcejoinonly [true|false] | Disables users from joining with the join command. Users instead must be forcejoined by an admin | =tournament exampleTourney forcejoinonly true |
=tournament [tournamentName] teams [true|false] | Changes the format for the tournament from solo to teams | =tournament exampleTourney teams true |
=tournament [tournamentName] autorole [role] | Automatically gives a role to players who join the tournament | =tournament exampleTourney autorole @TournamentContestor |
=tournament [tournamentName] update [what] [to] | Changes values straight from the database. ADVANCED USERS ONLY |
=tournament exampleTourney update status closed =tournament exampleTourney update roundMaxTime 14 |
=bindchallonge | Bind your Challonge account allowing you to host tournaments from your own account | =bindchallonge |